Invited speakers and rapporteurs
- Recent developments in Decision Conferencing,
by Larry Phillips
- The Foccussed Decision Maker: A Quick and Easy Guide for Decision Making, presentation by Terry Bresnick
- Main conclusions from themes A to F discussion, by Gilberto Montibeller
- Main conclusions from themes G to L discussion, by Mónica Oliveira
Biographical notes of the invited speakers

Lawrence Phillips is an Emeritus Professor of Decision Science in the Department of Management at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and a Director of Facilitations Limited.
He works as a process consultant, helping groups of key players in organisations to balance uncertainty, risk and multiple conflicting objectives in making strategic and operational recommendations to accountable decision makers.
His most recent work applies multi-criteria decision analysis to rank the harm of psychoactive drugs and to assess the benefit-risk balance of prescription drugs.
In November 2005, the Decision Analysis Society of INFORMS awarded Dr Phillips its highest honour, the Frank P. Ramsey medal for distinguished contributions to decision analysis.

Terry Bresnick has more than forty years of experience in applying the techniques of decision analysis, operations research, and systems engineering to complex problems of industry and government.
He has demonstrated his expertise in the areas of resource allocation and budgetary analysis, managerial decision making, evaluation of competing alternatives, cost-benefit analysis, business area analysis, and strategic planning.
Terry Bresnick has been an Assistant Professor of Systems and Decision Analysis and is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Virginia, USA.
He is co-author of The Handbook of Decision Analysis (2013), and his most recent book is the Foccussed Decision Maker: A Quick and Easy Guide for Decision Making (2016).
Terry Bresnick won the David Rist Prize, Military Operations Research Society, for outstanding achievement in 1981.
Biographical notes of the rapporteurs

Gilberto Montibeller is a Professor of Management Science at Loughborough University, and a member of its Management Science and Operations Group, one of the leading teams worldwide on Behavioural Operations Research. He has been on the faculties of the London School of Economics (LSE, UK), Kingston Business School (UK), and the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC, Brazil) before joining Loughborough University in 2015.
Professor Montibeller is an expert on strategic decision and risk analysis. He is area editor of the Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis and is on the editorial boards of the Informs Decision Analysis and European Journal of Decision Processes journals. He has published widely in key journals in the field, such as Risk Analysis, the European Journal of Operational Research, Decision Support Systems, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, among others. One of his papers, on cognitive and motivational biases in risk and decision analysis received the best paper award from the Society of Risk Analysis in 2015.
He has held visiting scholar positions at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, USA), the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA, Austria), and the University of Southern California (USA). He has been a visiting professor at CNRS Lamsade (Paris Dauphine University, France) and is a visiting professor at the University of São Paulo (Brazil).
As a decision scientist, Professor Montibeller has more than twenty years of experience in conducting decision analytic projects for private and public organisations, in Continental Europe, Britain, and South America. Client organisations include Defra, UK National Audit Office, World Health Organisation (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Babcock International, Itaipu Binational (Brazil and Paraguay), and the Brazilian Centre for SMEs (SEBRAE), among others.
Professor Montibeller has extensive experience with management education and training. He has been a regular speaker at LSE Enterprise executive education courses, and teaches at the LSE Executive Summer School. He has led in-company training for a large number of organisations such as Alcoa Inc., Japan Tobacco Int., CMS Cameron McKenna, and Surrey County Council. He has also taught in MBA programmes, both at Warwick Business School and Kingston Business School.
Professor Montibeller's main research interests are on the links between behavioural decision research and decision analytic modelling and on the formal conceptualisation of decision aiding practices. Two of his main areas of research-led applications are resource allocation against emerging threats, particularly health and terrorist ones, and multi-criteria health prioritisations.

Mónica D. Oliveira, PhD is Associate Professor of Decision Sciences at the Department of Engineering and Management, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon, and member of the research team of CEG-IST, the Centre for Management Studies of IST.
Her research interests include the development of management science models to assist policy and decision makers in health and clinical settings, with a special interest in multi-criteria value modelling using real-world participatory processes in general and decision conferencing in particular.
She has enhanced and applied management science techniques in multiple public and private organizations. She has published her research in Operations Research, Management Science, and Health Economics and Management international journals.
She has been active in participating in international health projects, and has been involved in advisory boards from the Portuguese Ministry of Health. Her most recent decision conferencing work consisted in facilitating the construction of a ‘value-risk matrix’ to assist the Occupational Health and Safety Unit of the Lisbon and Tagus Valley Regional Health Authority to evaluate occupational health and safety risks.